U.S. Futsal Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
To: U.S. Futsal Members
From: Alex Para, President CEO
Date: November 20, 2020
As of today, U.S. Futsal has decided to postpone or cancel a number of scheduled events through January 31, 2021. This includes, but is not limited to, The Pacific Cup some Regional Championships, all National Select Team programming and travel, all Coaching Education and Referee courses, unless they are held on line, and all Talent Identification Programs. We recognize that these decisions have a real impact on you and your own programming, but in the interest of ensuring the health and safety of the Futsal community, as well as that of the community-at-large, we also recommend that members review your own programming schedule and assess the risks and benefits of postponement and/or cancellation of your upcoming events. In closing, we strongly recommend that you follow the advice and direction of your local health department and follow their guidance. For more information on the current status across the country and measures, you can take, go to: